Friday, May 20, 2011

Wrapped up in a blanket with my Kindle.

If you've been emailing, calling, or sending messages via bicycle courier, I apologize for the lack of response. My spine has been very angry with me for some reason and I can't seem to get it to settle down. I'll be huddled here in pain until further notice. Let's hope further notice comes soon.

P.S. Still trying to keep this little infant rattie alive. Wish me luck. It's exhausting...he's a little chow hound. :) It's stressful because there's always that fear that he won't make it, but having experience in rehab, I also know that survival is the exception, not the rule, for these little ones. Send good mojo his way for me. If he makes it a few more days, I might take a photo. We'll see.

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